MULTI SPORT 1 or 2 DAY CAMP | Wooloowin & Tingalpa

A safe, fun, inclusive environment for kids in Brisbane North and South r!
Q Kids Sport is a family owned and run business, which has spawned after realising the need to start school holiday sporting camps for kids to enjoy. We understand the positive impact sport can have on a child’s physical and social development, so we are committed to offering a fun safe place for kids to exercise and engage.
What is a Multi Sport Camp?
It’s something that will make you say “I wish this was around when I was younger”! As the name suggests, it’s a sports camp providing fun based games in a variety of different sports and activities. Some of the sports are completely new or are modified versions of a traditional sport providing an amazing experience for your child. Ever wanted your child to play a different sport but didn’t want to sign them up to a club for a season or attend a full day camp just on that one sport? Well, this camp provides that great opportunity for them to explore a variety of sports and fun games.
The Multi – Sport Camp includes:
- Nerf Dart Tag
- Modified Indoor Hockey
- Kin-Ball
- Dodgeball
- Savage Soccer
- Ga Ga Ball
- OzTag
- Water Balloon Slingshot
- Basketball
- Modified Soccer
- TBall/Longball
- Team Challenges
- Agility Challenges
- Plus other games, challenges and prizes
Dates & Details:
Primary School aged children 7 – 12 years (boys and girls)
Dates, Times & Locations:
Brisbane NORTH
Mon 20th &/or Tues 21st Sept from 9:00am – 3:30pm
Kedron State High School, Park Road, Wooloowin QLD
Brisbane SOUTH
Monday 27th &/or Tuesday 28th Sept from 9:00am – 3:30pm
Brisbane Bayside State College, Tingalpa Brisbane, QLD
*Note: Even if this location doesn’t suit your circumstances now, please subscribe on our website or Facebook page because we are going to expand to other locations in the very near future
1 day = $65
2 days = $120
Numbers strictly limited
Click here for more details and registration
SHP Listing Reference #2020094-1