Choose your ADVENTURE these School Holidays with TeamKids
TeamKids, Australia’s favourite School Holiday program provider, will be delivering yet
another wonderful mix of excursions, incursions and in-house days that promise to keep the
children happy, engaged, safe, nurtured and having fun over the Summer School Holidays.
A wonderful alternative for families seeking a break or needing support whilst working these
School Holidays.
Come and experience the TeamKids difference this Summer:
- Qualified and REMARKABLE Educators
- Digital detox with a no screens policy
- Epic incursions, excursions, and in-house days
- Delicious and nutritious morning and afternoon snack
- CCS approved care
TeamKids specialist crew is owned and run by qualified educators and provide industry-
leading educator to child ratios.
All TeamKids programs have been approved under the National Child Care Subsidy (CCS).
To find out more, register or book, click here.
For more info call 1300 035 000

Keep up to date with all the TeamKids fun here
Find a TeamKids program near you – click here
A SAFE ENVIRONMENT: If you or your child are feeling unwell or have any Covid-19 like symptoms, please do not attend the program.
SHP Listing Reference #2021129